Frequently Asked Questions

Home organizing responds to a need to find space, time and order. It leads to a true art of living:

  • Living with less, but better
  • Freeing yourself from the superfluous to return to the essential
  • Declutter your interior
  • Reorganize your spaces to simplify life
  • and many other benefits

My job as an organizational consultant sometimes raises questions and I am often asked questions about the way I work and about the different facets of home organizing.


So I created this FAQ to answer the most common questions and to give you a clear overview of what I do and how I can support you.


Whether you are curious about my approach or have specific questions, this FAQ is here to enlighten you.

Questions you frequently ask me

Whether we are talking about professional organizer, home organizer, daily life facilitator, or tidying coach, these terms describe a unique profession with a common goal: helping people find balance in their daily lives by rethinking their organization and their living spaces.

Its mission is structured around several dimensions:

  • Intervene with people who encounter organizational issues with their environment and who need a helping hand to find balance in their daily lives.
  • Help make space functional by creating a storage system suitable for specific needs of each
  • Assist and support in the process of decision making when sorting and decluttering,
  • Optimize spaces through organization and storage, and help find solutions to improve and simplify everyday life.

This profession goes beyond physical organization: it involves reviewing one's relationship with objects, one's way of consuming and organizing oneself to save time, make savings, and above all, feel good at home.

Because tidying up and a sense of organization are not necessarily innate, a certified organization professional will provide you with what you may be missing today to achieve: 

  • Put yourself in action and create momentum.
  • To have a frame and to be guided in the steps.
  • Take time for yourself and dare to start from scratch.
  • Removing the blocking points and the fears underlying (fear of missing out, fear of emptiness, fear of wasting, fear of separation, etc.).
  • Become aware of your consumption habits and change them to reduce waste and your environmental impact.
  • Learn or relearn how to organize yourself.
  • Be supported and avoid the risk of abandonment.
  • Regain your self-confidence.
Whatever the reason, you will be in good hands.

Change comes through awareness, of theaction and the establishment of new habits. This is a real project!

More than sorting and decluttering, for some people it is a real introspection, a kind of therapy, an essential step that opens the door to many changes.

Sorting at home also means making space within yourself. It is accepting to separate yourself from things in order to evolve. It changes your philosophy, your relationship to time, to consumption and to your daily life. You open your consciousness more to what surrounds you.

Take care of your interior it is to take care of of itself, and it brings you self-confidence. Back to basics to simplify life

These changes will greatly benefit you transform and subtly settle into place around you.

Having an organized living or working space makes everyday life easier, both personally and professionally, and brings you many benefits:

  • Quickly find what you're looking for when you need it.
  • Optimize the use of your storage spaces.
  • Have full awareness of your possessions.
  • Reduce your expenses by avoiding unnecessary purchases.
  • Improve your well-being and serenity.
  • Increase your focus and efficiency.
  • Spend more time for yourself and others.
  • Be up to date with your administrative procedures.
  • Add value to your property with a view to selling it.
  • And much more…
One mission = one project
One session = one intervention – online or in person


Hourly rate: 90$CA


The number of sessions, duration and price of the missions vary depending on the size of the area concerned and the level of congestion. The availability, state of health, and fatigue of the people I accompany are also factors to take into account (after 3 hours, fatigue can be felt in some cases and I respect your pace).


Overall, the duration of a session will be:

  • On site: 3 or 4 hours from 270$CA
  • Online: 2 or 3 hours from 180$CA

Hourly rates: 90$CA


For example, for a cooking mission we will spend an average of 2 or 3 sessions.

For storage spaces (cellar, garage, etc.) or an entire home, a diagnostic visit is essential to allow me to make an estimate.


Contact me to get a precise quote based on what you want to reorganize.

Although I am not with you physically, I make sure to put you moving. During our online coaching session, I will transmit my recommendations and suggestions, I propose actions to be taken and methodologies to be followed. I listen, I advise, I direct, I help… I’m here!

You are the one taking action, but you are not alone. In real time, things are changing both in your actions and in your mind.

At the end of the session, I will send you a summary document of everything that was covered during the session, to allow you to review the methodologies and fully understand them.

To better support you, I need to understand your functioning as it is today. So if you tidy up before our first meeting, I will not see your problems in a natural way.

Feeling uncomfortable is a legitimate feeling, but don't worry, I don't look at your mess the way you see it! I observe it for find solutions, without ever making judgments ! I always intervene with gentleness and empathy! 

Relax, I'm here to help you.

To also reassure you, my interventions always take place in the greatest discretion and with the greatest confidentiality.

The photos, images, videos, concerned by our collaboration will only be used with your agreement and without distinctive details.

You can trust me. I respect you and your choices.

It is together that the work is most effective and sustainable. 

To help you, I rely on my 3 fundamental pillars: Understand, Act and Maintain.

It is therefore important that you are present, because, unlike a cleaning lady who cleans for you, I don't sort or tidy without you, but with you. It's up to you to decide what you want to keep or not. 

I guide you in decision-making by asking you the right questions, but I do not decide for you. 

And because parting with certain objects can seem difficult, even trying, I will also be there to listen to you, bring you back to the present moment with the greatest candy that you will need.

This is true collaboration and teamwork that we are building together, and that you are also building with your entire household! The more members of your household are involved, the more sustainable the change will be.

Where possible, I try to get you to complete the decluttering process yourself. Getting your stuff out will help youeven from your home has a significant impact and finalizes your change process. By going through the separation process to the end, you will better control your relationship with objects.

However, in some cases, I can take care of dropping off your items at the recycling center or with associations that we can define in advance. (optional service)

Please know that I happily encourage donations, recycling and the circular economy.

I'll leave it to you to take care of selling your items.

My environment lives as much as my home inside. Organized by nature, I like to have a tidy house without it looking like a museum.

I always say that interiors, objects live simply because we are alive! 

So at my place, it's organized, optimized, and easy to tidy up, but it's not always impeccable and no, I'm not a "maniac" 🙂

But it's true that, since everything is in its place, tidying up only takes a few minutes.

Without being minimalist, we have what we need without having too much. So as soon as we start tidying up, it goes quickly 🙂

Do you have any further questions? Please feel free to contact me

A tidy and optimized space,
it's more well-being and less mental load

Sorting - Decluttering - Organizing - Tidying up

“A place for everything, everything in its place.”

Daily Life Organizing – Home Organizer

Where to find me?

Vancouver / Greater Vancouver / Vancouver Island

British Columbia

Or remotely

I acknowledge the privilege of living and working on the traditional, ancestral and unceded lands of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem) First Nations. Shared territories of the Coast Salish, Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and ˈstɔːloʊ (Sto:lo) First Nations peoples.

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