My support method to simplify your daily life
step by step

Whether it is for boost or for put into action a change, I am here to help you complete your process.


Because every person is different, in his personality, his sensitivity, his lifestyle, his values, my support is also.


Ibrings sensitivity particular in each of my accompaniments and I adapts to each person's rhythms without imposing difficult practices.


I help you choose the solutions adapted to your daily life.

Theory is good, but practice is better!

Watching shows, reading books, or following tutorials on social media can inspire you, but sometimes that's not enough.

At best, you find the motivation to start. At worst, you waste time scrolling and daydreaming.


You've already tried to get things in order by sorting through your things and buying storage accessories or furniture. 

Despite your efforts, it was not enough, and you became discouraged. Result: you gave up and no longer had the courage to start again. What did you miss?


Some people need more, a helping hand and support to get there!

What if, this time, we went really in action?

You are not alone anymore!

A storage professional helps you:

Declutter and tidy up

the spaces

Optimize and organize


Facilitate and simplify

le quotidien

Améliorer l’organisation et le classement administratif

Transmitting methods for lasting change

Home Organizing consists of sorting, decluttering and reorganizing storage and spaces to improve and simplify everyday life.  

This allows to reduce your mental load (stop wasting time moving and storing all the things you own) and take back control of your time, your consumption and of your energy keeping the essentials, what we like and what is really useful.

3 measurable goals to improve your daily life

  • Sort, declutter, tidy and organize to feel good at home!
  • Keep the essentials and live with less to live better!
  • Simplify daily life and environmental management to reduce mental load!

Home Organizing consists of sorting, decluttering and reorganizing storage and spaces to improve and simplify everyday life.


This allows to reduce your mental load (stop wasting time moving and storing all the things you own) and take back control of your time, your consumption and of your energy keeping the essentials, what we like and what is really useful.

3 measurable goals to improve your daily life

– Sort, declutter, tidy and organize to feel good at home!

– Keep the essentials and live with less to live better!

– Simplify daily life and environmental management to reduce the mental load!

My 3 modes of intervention

In person

During one or more sessions, we focus on one or more areas.
Together we will sort, declutter and efficiently optimize your living and working spaces.

From a distance

During one or more sessions, I guide you and support you step by step through online monitoring.
I provide you with the keys necessary to achieve your goal.

In workshops

Do you want to understand and learn about everyday organizational issues?
I offer workshops online or in person.

Personalized steps throughout the process:

1. Assessment of your needs

During an initial 30-minute telephone meeting, free and without obligation, we discuss your storage and organization issues. Together, we define your needs and expectations. 

2. Diagnosis / Quote

An inventory (at your home, by video or photo) allows me to understand your spaces and identify the problems. I write a report, develop an action plan, and send you a suitable quote. After validation, we schedule the first appointment.

3. Action

During each session, online or on-site, I guide, advise and support you at your pace throughout the process.

4. Mission assessment and monitoring

Between each session, I remain at your disposal. After the intervention, we take stock to evaluate the progress made. A follow-up within 3 months allows us to adjust if necessary and plan new missions if necessary.

5. Breathe and enjoy

Congratulate yourself on the work accomplished and the changes created in your life.

This is the moment when everything gets activated and everything becomes concrete. You feel the benefits and the physical and mental transformation is very present.

Support that really helps you

thanks to my 3 pillars of support at the heart of my mission

1- Understand

The first step towards lasting change is to become aware of your current situation. I help you understand the deep reasons for your disorder to transform your environment and make it suit you today.

2- Act

After this inventory, I help you take action. We will put in place suitable organizational solutions to recreate a space that reflects your needs, bringing you order and confidence.

3- Maintain

I share with you simple methods and practical tips to maintain your organization. Together, we establish new daily habits and organizational systems aligned with your lifestyle.

Support that really helps you

thanks to my 3 pillars of support at the heart of my mission

1- Understand

The first step towards lasting change is to become aware of your current situation. I help you understand the deep reasons for your disorder to transform your environment and make it suit you today.

2- Act

After this inventory, I help you take action. We will put in place suitable organizational solutions to recreate a space that reflects your needs, bringing you order and confidence.

3- Maintain

I share with you simple methods and practical tips to maintain your organization. Together, we establish new daily habits and organizational systems aligned with your lifestyle.

Mes méthodes d’intervention

Mon rôle est de vous accompagner à chaque étape : tri, désencombrement et organisation. Ensemble, nous transformons vos espaces de manière durable.

  • Tri progressif et désencombrement : Je vous aide à identifier les objets essentiels et éliminer le superflu.
  • Optimisation des espaces : Je propose des solutions de rangement simples et efficaces.
  • Accompagnement personnalisé : À chaque étape, je vous apporte soutien et bienveillance, en respectant votre rythme.

Change comes through awareness,
action and the establishment of new habits

Each mission confirms the importance of my profession at key moments in life. My sensitivity to specific needs allows me to adapt environments and create a positive impact on the well-being of the people I support.


Making space at home means making space within yourself. 

This change motivates me to give meaning back to your spaces and your daily life.


J’aime comprendre et approfondir mes connaissances, alors je continue à me former sur les comportements, la psychologie, notre relation aux objets, à la consommation… pour mieux vous accompagner et répondre à vos besoins spécifiques.

“By putting it off, life overwhelms us.”


Daily Life Organizing – Home Organizer

Where to find me?

Vancouver / Greater Vancouver / Vancouver Island

British Columbia

Or remotely

I acknowledge the privilege of living and working on the traditional, ancestral and unceded lands of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem) First Nations. Shared territories of the Coast Salish, Səl̓ílwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), xʷməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and ˈstɔːloʊ (Sto:lo) First Nations peoples.

Copyrights 2024 © Daily Life Organizing

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